
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Peace Come to the Philippine Mindanao, 4 Decade Conflict gone!

Korean volunteer organization's leader, Manhee Lee did important role in peace treaty in Phillippne Mindanao.

Manhee lee, the leader of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light, made an important role to end the four decade conflict in the Philippine Mindanao, one of the typical conflicts in Asia.

Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light said "Philippine who suffered by the conflict between government forces and rebel forces has welcomed the new peaceful generation made by Manhee Lee, the leader's decisive arbitration." and also said "Philippine government and the biggest Islamic groups (MILF) have reached a peace treaty and they put an end of the four decade conflict. This was done one day after the peace agreement leading by the leader of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light."

Mr. Lee visited Mindanao from 24th to 25th. Antonio Ledesma, the Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro who met last year asked Mr. Lee to take an action to end the conflict in Mindanao.
24th, Mr. Lee held the festival of World Peace Youth Walk in General Santos with 1 thousand people including students studying in the state university of Mindanao, various religious organizations in Mindanao and members of the World Peace Youth group.

After the festival, People who participate in the festival gathered in the hotel in the General Santos and heard the speech about the necessity of the peace. After that, Catholic and Islamic representatives signed in the agreement for peace in front of Mr. Lee and 150 participants.

It was reported by PTV, a national broadcast and other broadcasting.

Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light said "this agreement became practical background to mediate the opinions about the final Annexe of the peace treaty between Philippine government and MILF held in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014



 Us promises to become like a candle and substance of love which melts it's body to light up the world as the one who executed the love of the cross.

The New Light Philosophy

The New Light Philosophy

 Hadn't I came up with new light philosophy? When nobody noticed it since six thousand years to this day, it must be from above, not from man.

Where Conflicts Come

Where Conflicts Come

 Difference in thought comes from when people of earth keeps the earth in its mind and people of heaven keeps the heaven in it's mind.