
Monday, July 28, 2014

Save the Children : children have their rights!

Save the Children: Gaza shelter attack 'shocking'

The charity Save the Children has condemned the attack on a UN-run school used as a shelter in Gaza which has left at least 13 people dead and more than 200 injured.
Save the Children spokeswoman, Cat Carter, described the attack as an "absolutely shocking loss of civilian life".
She said people in Gaza had nowhere safe to go and that children on both sides were becoming traumatised by the conflict.
sourced by BBC News

Many people got shocked by Israel.
Children don't have fault. How can Israel government reward their death?
For many conflicts, We meet together and for the peace, not for their profit, talk and get the solution. and i saw very devoted organization for world peace.
that is  Heavenly Culture, World Peace (HWPL).
the leader of the HWPL works very hard. they will hold the peace conference in Korea. in that conference they wish to invite many organization related in World Peace and Human rights, religious leader and each country's president. 

I think through this conference, the world concur with all the hon.
If many groups for children's rights also participate in the conference, i think they can get many solution for the problems.

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