
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Have you heard about WARP Summit?

Have you heard about WARP Summit ?

 World Alliance of Religions PEACE summit 2014

In South Korea was held an important conference.  
Leader of all religions gathered. and they shared their opinion about peace. 

All of the people want peace. but in the world we can find the War everywhere. 

Many people give an effort to make this world peaceful. and all religious leaders speech in peace.
But because of religious conflicts, many people died.  so in this peace summit they did very important promise. 

in the WARP Summit  Many religious leaders concluded The unity of religion agreement.

I hope this WARP Summit become the beginning of the World Peace.
and also as an Korean, I am very proud this WARP Summit held in Korea.

All of the photos' copy right is from WARP SUMMIT FACE BOOK

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