
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year's Day Quotes

Happy New Year

Do you plan anything for 2015 year?
the following quote is written by Charles Lamb. he write a quote for new year's day.
He said New Year's Day is every man's birthday.

I think How we make a plan and spend a New year's day is very important like each man's birth day.

Who is Charles Lamb?

Charles Lamb (10 February 1775 – 27 December 1834) was an English writer and essayist, best known for his Essays of Elia and for the children's book Tales from Shakespeare, which he produced with his sister, Mary Lamb (1764–1847).

He also wrote a number of poems, and was part of a literary circle in England, along with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth, whom he befriended. He has been referred to by E. V. Lucas, his principal biographer, as "the most lovable figure in English literature".

i got this information from wikipedia

He was a writer and he wrote many poems. and he get an effect from his religious life. He described the New Testament as his "best guide" for life, and where he talked about how he used to read the Psalms for one or two hours without getting tired.

I also Christian but i didn't live my life like him. i agree the New Testament is best guide for one's life. but i don't spend many time to read the New Testament. 
So this year i will make my Must do it list including reading the New Testament.

I hope everyone spend their 2015 more meaningfully.

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